This is not a roadmap: It’s a to-do list.

Crypto moves fast, and we move fast too.

That means that we don’t publicly commit to specific timelines, so we can organize our development priorities based on market changes and developer resources.

Listed Below Are Our Products:







Lagoons are single side staking of the Storm and Wave tokens with rewards in wave. Single side staking: Stormswap gives you the option to remain 100% long on your favorite token while earning swap fees & liquidity mining rewards. With Stormswap single side staking, you do not have to sell part of your tokens and be exposed to another token in the pool. Whereas Waterfall has auto-compound vault of wave when deposited wave amounts gets increased automatically.

Vaults use complex smart contract strategies to automate yield farming, and grow a user's assets much faster than traditional yield farming methods. Traditionally a user deposits LP tokens into a yield farm, is rewarded with a reward token, and must harvest/sell the reward tokens to add them back into liquidity pools to auto-compound their investments. Vault smart contract strategies can deposit a users assets, harvest their rewards, trade half and add back to liquidity, at least every 4 hours, increasing the users earning power tremendously.

To understand why this is important, you must first understand the difference between simple interest (APR) and compound interest (APY).

  • Simple interest (APR) is calculated on the deposits that never change.

  • Compound interest (APY) is calculated on the deposited amount and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods, and can thus be regarded as "interest on interest."

Last updated